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What is Ambien?

Ambien is a drug that is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of insomnia. Ambien comes in tablet form and contains “Zolpidem Tartrate” as an active ingredient. Before taking Ambien tablets, you should be aware of some important points. Ambien interacts with chemicals in the brain that are unbalanced in people who suffer from insomnia. The immediate-release tablet of Ambien helps with sleep problems by making you fall asleep quickly once you go to bed. If you are going to administer this medicine, tell your doctor about your current medications. If you are using any vitamin pills or herbal supplements, inform your doctor as well. For convenience, you can also Buy Ambien Online.

Ambien Side Effects:

The most common side-effects of Ambien are-

  • daytime drowsiness
  • weakness
  • dizziness
  • lightheadedness
  • feeling drugged
  • tiredness
  • loss of coordination
  • stuffy nose
  • nasal irritation
  • dry mouth
  • sore throat
  • diarrhea
  • headache
  • muscular pain
  • confusion
  • euphoria
  • you may also feel nausea, nasal irritation, upset stomach, balance-problem, visual problem.

These are some common side-effects of this medicine. If you are experiencing one or more of the above-mentioned symptoms and they do not stop, instantly consult with your doctor. After taking Ambien, you may feel lazy or like you have drugged. You may feel pain in the chest, irregular heartbeat, trouble breathing, and memory loss. These are very severe side-effects of Ambien. If you feel sudden mental or mood or behavior changes instantly stop using the medicine and go to your doctor to consult. You may feel the problem in coordination with your body or severe irritation after taking this medicine. Irritation occurs due to a fast and irregular heartbeat.

Ambien Dosage Information:

An adult can use 10 mg of conventional tablet or spray or 12.5 mg extended-release tablets of Ambien. If you are taking other medicines that make you feel sleepy or tired or weak, tell your doctor about that medication and consult with him for the actual dose. The doges of Ambien may be different for men and women. Children could not use this medicine because the FDA does not approve it for being administered to children.

Ambien should be taken exactly as your doctor prescribed. Never overdose on this medicine because a heavy dose of this medicine may put you in trouble with some serious side-effect that may cause you to death, or make you resistant to this medicine.

Ambien Withdrawal Symptoms:

Ambien is used to help those people who are suffering from sleep problems; in other words, chronic insomnia. This medicine is not prescribed for long-term use because if someone uses this medicine for the long term may become habitual of this medicine such as habitual with alcohol. When you withdraw this medicine, withdrawal symptoms may take place within two days (48 hours) after the final dose. Due to withdrawal symptoms, you may feel anxiety, uncontrolled crying or depression, sudden mood or behavior changes, irritated, flushed, rapid heart rate, abnormal breathing, fatigue, tremors, sweating, nausea or vomiting, discomfort, tremors, delirium, restlessness, headache. These are some common withdrawal symptoms of Ambien.

Ambien and Alcohol:

It is too dangerous to mix up Ambien with alcohol. When you take Ambien with alcohol, you may feel dizziness, confusion, sleepiness, depressed breathing, or some serious reaction to the mixture. Since Ambien contains in itself many side effects, so the risk raises when it is mixed up with alcohol by increasing the intensity of side effects. Some people mix alcohol with Ambien to find some special effects. After mixing Ambien and alcohol, sleep, as a result, is not a typical natural sleep.   Due to this reason, they feel lazy, irritated, weak, confused, and extremely slow breathing in the morning after waking up. More consumption of Ambien alcohol or continuous use of both may give some unexpected and serious results. Since Ambien is prescribed by doctors, it does not mean that it is safe to use like other drugs. The National Council on Patient Information and Education(NCPIE) clearly explains that prescribed drugs are not safe to use with other content or be misused because they can be easily bought from the market by showing the prescription.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder. It is a condition in which a person suffers from sleep deprivation. People with this condition find it hard to fell asleep at night, or they might not feel refreshed even after waking up from a decent night’s sleep. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) findings, insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders as it affects between 6 to 10 percent of adults. Though the inability to fell asleep is a significant sign of insomnia, for clinical diagnosis, the following criteria, a person should meet the following requirements:

  • The problem is occurring for at least three nights per week for a minimum of three months.
  • The lack of sleep is disrupting the normal functioning of a person’s life.

What causes insomnia?

Insomnia can be a result of various conditions a person might be facing. But in some cases, insomnia is the primary problem. Most often, chronic insomnia is a result of stress and other significant lifestyle or habit changes. It can also be a result of some other underlying conditions, such as mental illness. The following factors can contribute to the onset of insomnia in a person:

Poor Sleep Habits

A person is more prone to get the symptoms of insomnia when they do not have a proper bedtime routine. These habits include an irregular sleeping schedule, taking naps, stimulating activities before going to sleep, using a cell phone, or watching TV.


Worrying about the school, work, family, or financial situations can preoccupy the mind and hinder proper sleep. Stress can also result from a stressful life event, such as job loss, death of a loved one, or divorce. All these factors might lead to the onset of insomnia.

Work or travel schedule

Everyone has a natural clock in their body that controls the body’s circadian rhythms, such as the body temperature, sleep-wake cycle, and metabolism. Working long hours or traveling between different time zones can disrupt the circadian rhythm of the body. Jet lag, early or late shifts, or rapidly changing work shifts can all contribute to insomnia.

Eating habits

Overeating before going to sleep can lead to physical discomfort and result in difficulty falling asleep. People often experience heartburn after overeating before bed that they lay awake at night.

Mental health issues

Conditions such as anxiety disorder, PTSD, and other similar problems might disrupt an individual’s sleeping pattern. Depression can also be a cause of feeling insomniac. Insomnia can be a symptom of many other mental health disorders as well.

Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine addiction

Tea, coffee, soft drinks, and other caffeinated products act as a stimulant that prevents the brain from falling asleep. Similarly, the addition of alcohol or nicotine can also trigger stimuli that interfere with a person’s sleeping patterns. People consuming alcohol might find it easier to fall asleep. Still, the presence of alcohol in their system can prevent them from entering deeper sleep stages and awaken them in the middle of the night.


Several prescription medications such as antidepressants and medicines for blood pressure or asthma interfere with the sleep pattern. Other drugs like pain killers and cold and allergy medication often contain caffeine and other stimulants that can disrupt sleep.

Medical conditions

Insomnia might also be a symptom of the following medical conditions: chronic pain, heart disease, diabetes, gastroesophageal, reflux disease (GERD), cancer, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, or Alzheimer’s disease.

How to deal with insomnia?

People who have insomnia can try the following things to make their life a little bit easier. These small lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on the condition of an individual having problems getting proper sleep.

  • Exercise regularly
  • Limit naps
  • Stop consuming nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol
  • Limit activities in bed
  • Make a sleeping and waking schedule
  • Make the sleeping environment comfortable
  • Don’t drink or eat right before going to sleep

What do you know about the treatment for insomnia?

A person who has insomnia can avail of either pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical treatments. It is best to discuss with a doctor before starting any treatment, and an individual might have to try various procedures before they get to the one that works best for them.


Medical treatment for insomnia includes:

  • Prescription sleeping pills
  • Antihistamines
  • Antidepressants
  • Melatonin
  • Sleep aids or over the counter pills

Home remedies

Several home remedies such as meditation and managing the lifestyle can also help a person minimize the effects of insomnia.


It is the most common and might be the most effective home remedy for insomnia. According to the National Sleep Foundation, medication improves the quality of sleep, making it easier for a person to fall and stay asleep. Meditation helps reduce the symptoms of other conditions that might result in insomnia. These conditions include

  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Digestive problems
  • Depression

Good advice for a person concerned about occasional insomnia

Healthy sleeping habits can make a significant impact on a person’s overall health. To help cultivate good sleeping habits, a person can follow these routines.

  • Avoid sleeping in the daytime: many of us take a nap to get refreshed, but taking daytime naps can make it harder for a person to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.
  • Seep and wake up at the same time every day: this one is easier said than done, as many sleep schedules are hard to follow, especially during the weekend. Following a schedule helps regulate the body’s clock and makes it easier for a person to fall asleep.
  • Do exercise: it is the most general advice one can get. Doing various activities can help regulate different systems of the body and help you sleep better. Just make sure not to exercise close to bedtime or else it will have a negative effect
  • Evaluate the surroundings: A suitably, clean, and comfortable environment can drastically affect the quality of sleep a person can get. People having trouble with their sleep cycle should consider re-evaluating their surroundings and bed.

Bad advice for an individual trying to overcome insomnia

There are certain things that people with insomnia should not do. These might not look harmful at first glance, but doing these things can worsen the condition.

  • Staying in bed: this might sound tempting, but staying in bed in hopes of getting drowsy often has the exact opposite effect. If you are not able to fall asleep, you should get out of bed and find some activity. Be sure to pick up something that is neither too boring nor too exciting. For instance, instead of firing up a video game, consider reading a book.
  • Late-Night web surfing: checking the phone before going to sleep has become an essential part of our daily life. Keeping up with all that happened during the day might feel like something a person wants to do before going to bed. But the light emission from the smartphone or laptop can have a significant adverse effect on the quality of sleep.
  • Drinking caffeine at any time of the day: people think that if they drink caffeine during the day, it will not affect their sleep. Though consuming a tiny amount of caffeine might not have lasting effects, doing it often will surely mess up your sleep cycle.
  • Working in bed: Turning your bed into a small office might sound enticing, after all, those who do not want to do all the things from the comfort of their bedroom. Doing this can be harmful to your health, as the brain becomes accustomed to working in a particular place, it will be hard for you to fall asleep in the same place. It is best if a person keeps his work and sleeping place separate.